Utilization of Chiropractic Care Continues to

If youre beginning to think that more and more people are going
to a chiropractor, youre right. Each time a new study is done the numbers of people
going to chiropractors continues to rise. This rise is also closely correlated with the
rise in usage of other non-medical forms of health care.
In 1990, a study by Eisenberg illustrated a usage of chiropractic in
the United States of 10%. This number grew to 16% by the year 1994 in a study by Austin.
In a recent Stanford study, the numbers have continued to grow up to 17% of all Americans
seeing chiropractors. This is not surprising when we see that this same Stanford study
showed that 81% of those receiving chiropractic care considered it to be totally
Oddly enough only 55% of those in the study who received chiropractic
care said their care was covered by insurance. This meant a very large portion of the care
was paid for out of pocket by the patients themselves. These numbers reflect a consumer
base that wants chiropractic and is willing to pay for it.
Study Shows More People Visiting Chiropractors
In the May issue of American Journal of Public Health, a study
was published entitled "Use of Chiropractic Services from 1895 through 1991 in the
United States and Canada". The conclusion of this study was that the number of visits
to chiropractors has more than doubled in the past 20 years.
The study further reported that on average patients were between the
ages of 30 and 50 years old. The study also showed that slightly more females than males
sought chiropractic care. According to Dr. Alan Adams, "This study is the most
current description of demographic and clinical characteristics of patients seeking care
from Doctors of Chiropractic that has been published in the literature."
This study was conducted by the Rand Corporation and the Los Angeles
College of Chiropractic in Santa Monica, California. |