Chiropractic Care Can Help With Ear Infections
The above headline comes from the January 2005 issue of the magazine Up & Coming. This article tells the story of a 13 year old girl named May Beth, who had suffered from ear infections most of her life. Her father, was the author of the article. He started off by describing May Beth’s history and explained that by the time his daughter was 13 months old, she'd had 11 ear infections. He explained that each time she was given an antibiotic which caused the ear infection to go away after about a week, but it would soon return.

After a while May Beth was even give antibiotics as a preventative. However this did not work and her father began to get concerned about the effects all these antibiotics would have on his daughter. As matters got worse May Beth’s father grew more concerned. He stated, “I became desperate for an end to her misery. I was concerned about how these chronic ear infections might be affecting her developing speech and how the antibiotics might be affecting her natural immunity. As a result, I arranged for her to have a myringectomy, a type of surgery in which tiny tubes are placed in the child's ear to prevent fluid buildup. While I believed the operation was May Beth's best option, I felt terrible about having her undergo a general anesthetic and surgery at such a young age. There are no words to describe the feeling I had watching my smiling baby girl dressed in a tiny hospital gown wave back at me as she was being wheeled in a little red wagon into the operating room.”
Unfortunately, even after the surgery May Beth’s ear infections didn't stop. Less than two months later, she was once again taking antibiotics. Soon after it was suggested that she have a second surgery. Her father noted, “I just couldn't bear it. I was at my wit's end.”
Then coincidentally, May Beth’s father had just started chiropractic school and had heard that chiropractic care had helped many children with chronic ear infections. He then took May Beth to a family chiropractor who began adjusting May Beth. The results were wonderful. May Beth’s father described the events by saying, “Since that time, she's had one ear infection that lasted less than two days with no medication. Her overall health has been excellent - and she can talk up a storm!”
He summed up his comments in this article by explaining, “Chiropractic adjustment may resolve the ear infections without the need for surgery. Our bodies - young and old - are wonderfully made to take care of many of the problems we encounter. A correct alignment of the spine maximizes the body's potential to take care of itself.”