Chiropractic Care and TMJ Problems a Case Study
In the January 2002 edition of the peer reviewed scientific journal,
the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, (JMPT) appeared a case study on a
41-year-old woman who sought chiropractic care with complaints of pain at
the TMJ on both sides, ear pain, ringing in the ears, vertigo, decreased
hearing ability, and a sensation of pressure or fullness in both ears. She also reported that movements of her jaw while talking or chewing
provoked pain at the TMJ.
Before seeking chiropractic care she was treated for her TMJ by two
medical doctors. She was also referred to an eye, ear, nose, and
throat specialist, who diagnosed her with TMJ syndrome. Additionally, she
was referred to a dentist for the problem. Medical recommendations
were to apply heat to the area, reduce talking and yelling, and change her
diet to a soft diet. Even with all this medical and dental care her
symptoms steadily continued to get worse.
Eventually she sought the care of a chiropractor. After an examination
it was determined by the chiropractor that the patient had an Atlas
subluxation, (first bone in the neck). Care was begun by a series of
adjustments. After only a few visits the patient reported
significant improvement in her symptoms. After two and a half months
she reported complete relief from the TMJ symptoms. She also
reported a decrease in the frequency and severity of her headaches. Prior
to starting chiropractic care, she was experiencing 1 to 2 migraine
headache attacks per month. The effects of the chiropractic care
were long term as shown at her 1-year follow-up where she had not
experienced any headache symptoms for a period of 9 months and her TMJ
complaints had completely resolved.