US Military and Veterans to Receive Benefits
for Chiropractic Care
In a recently passed bill, the US House and Senate agreed on language
that sets up open access to chiropractic care in the VA (Veterans
Administration). This new law, when enacted, will open access for all US
military and veterans to receive chiropractic care under that program.
The details and implementation of the program have still to be worked out
but the intent was clear. 
The bill contains the following language, "at least one site for
such program (chiropractic) in each geographic service area of the
Veterans Health Administration" (VHA). The chiropractic care
specifically includes subluxation care, as well as a training program to
orient the VHA personnel regarding the benefits of chiropractic care and
services and employment of doctors of chiropractic. This means that
chiropractic care should be made available through the hiring of
chiropractors at each geographic location that the VA has a health care
Chiropractic organizations have been attempting get a law such as this
passed that gave these benefits to US veterans since 1936. In response to
the law passage, the International Chiropractors Association released the
statement, "This represents a great victory for the chiropractic
profession and the veteran beneficiary alike, and comes in the face of
massive opposition from competing professions as well as agency
bureaucrats who have opposed and obstructed any meaningful access for
veterans to chiropractic services for decades."
Although it is not entirely clear how the VHA will fully implement this
new law, or how long it may take to be up and running, the language of the
law does ensure that care will be provided. Probably one of the most
telling portions of the law reads, "The chiropractic care and
services available under the program shall include a variety of
chiropractic care and services for neuro-musculoskeletal conditions,
including subluxation complex."