Chiropractic Care For A
Nine-Year-Old Boy With Tourette Syndrome,
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Depression, Asthma, Insomnia,
and Headaches: A Case Report From
the July 12, 2003 issue of the peer reviewed, "Journal of Vertebral
Subluxation Research, comes a case study of a very ill nine year old boy.
According to the case study, this child was suffering from a multitude of
problems including, asthma and upper respiratory infections since infancy;
headaches since age 6; Tourette Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD), depression and insomnia since age 7; and neck pain since
age 8. It was noted in this child's history that he had been delivered by
forceps delivery. His mother described her son as being “constantly sick
since birth.”
There has been much
discussion about forceps delivery causing a variety of health problems in
children. In the December 2nd, 1999 issue of the New England Journal of
Medicine, was a report that showed that the forceps delivery death rate
was more than twice that for vaginal delivery. (click
here for more). This situation along with other trauma the young boy
had experienced offered some possible explanation for the findings of
subluxations in this child. During the patient’s initial examination,
evidence of a subluxation stemming from the upper cervical spine was
found. Chiropractic care was then administered to correct and stabilize
the patient’s upper neck subluxations.
six weeks of chiropractic care,
all six conditions were absent and remained absent
five months later at the conclusion of care. In
a follow up seven months later, no asthma attacks, headaches, neck pain,
insomnia, behavioral trouble, or tics had occurred. He had not suffered
any infections, nor had he used any medications other than his half-dose
of Wellbutrin. His mother reported that her son’s only “problem” was
becoming accustomed to being a “normal” child who was required to complete
chores, walk home from school by himself, or complete school work during
allotted time.